Archive for October 2013 + Image Twist method 2013 $$

  Upload interesting (for eg controversial pics)will get you definitely  more clicks.
  1. Share imagetwist images on your own websites/Blogs.
  2. Post your imagetwist images on reddit
  3. Upload your adfly payment proofs on imagetwist..then share them on adfly forum in the payment proof section
  4.   Make a youtube video of some of your pics..and then you can leave your imagetwist links in the description as you were doing in case of adfly.
Friday, 18 October 2013
Posted by Arihant

$100 A day with Adfly Method 2013

What  you need to know?
use some of the bots on this forum like scrapebox, xrumer, senuke. nohandsseo etc

 1. First scrape keywords of a movie ,tv shows etc . Newer the better.
2. Add the adfly link to the free movies website to the niche movie or tv shows URL
3. Use scrapebox and nohandsseo to auto comment.
4. Xrumer to auto create forum posts
5. Senuke for just bookmarking.

Note *:The movie niche is just an example...

Best of luck and happy earning!!

Posted by Arihant

Payment Proof

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